How to get from Záhradky to Teriakovce by bus?
From Záhradky to Teriakovce by bus
To get from Záhradky to Teriakovce in Teriakovce, take the 19 bus from Kukučínova station to L.Novomeského station. Next, take the 22 bus from L.Novomeského station to Teriakovce station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKukučínova1.21 km • 16 min
- 2Wait for bus19Hollého
- 3Ride to bus stationL.Novomeského2 min
- 4Walk to bus stationL.Novomeského90 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus22Veľká Pošta - Teriakovce
- 6Ride to bus stationTeriakovce10 min
- 7Walk toTeriakovce330 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Záhradky to Teriakovce
Public transit stations close to Záhradky
Záhradky is located at Záhradky, Teriakovce and the nearest public transit station is Soľnobanská.
Bus stations close to Záhradky:
- Soľnobanská
- Solivar
- Záhradky
Public transit stations close to Teriakovce, Teriakovce
Teriakovce is located at Teriakovce, Teriakovce and the nearest public transit station is Rázcestie Teriakovce.
Bus stations close to Teriakovce:
- Rázcestie Teriakovce
- Na Kruhu
- Obecný Úrad Teriakovce
Related Routes
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- Záhradky to Teriakovce
- Šalgovík to Teriakovce
- Stavbárska to Teriakovce
- Záhradky to Pedagogická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity
- Záhradky to Aula E203 Auditorium Magnum
- Záhradky to Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
- Záhradky to Rektorát Prešovskej Univerzity
- Záhradky to Gréckokatolícky Kňazský Seminár Bl. Petra Pavla Gojdiča
- Záhradky to Fakulta Zdravotníckych Odborov Prešovskej Univerzity
- Záhradky to Teriakovce
- Záhradky to Pedagogická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity
- Záhradky to Aula E203 Auditorium Magnum
- Záhradky to Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
- Záhradky to Rektorát Prešovskej Univerzity
- Záhradky to Gréckokatolícky Kňazský Seminár Bl. Petra Pavla Gojdiča
- Záhradky to Fakulta Zdravotníckych Odborov Prešovskej Univerzity
- Pri Zámočku to Pedagogická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity
- Pri Zámočku to Aula E203 Auditorium Magnum
- Pri Zámočku to Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Záhradky to Teriakovce?
The fastest way takes 39 minutes, using Bus line 19, Bus line 22.
Is there a direct bus between Záhradky and Teriakovce?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 39 min.
Which bus line goes from Záhradky to Teriakovce?
The 19 bus line goes from Kukučínova station near Záhradky in Prešov to Hollého station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Hollého station near Teriakovce in Teriakovce.
How long does it take to travel from Záhradky to Teriakovce by bus?
The total travel time between Záhradky in Prešov and Teriakovce in Teriakovce by bus is about 39 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Záhradky to get to Teriakovce?
Get on the 19 bus from the Kukučínova stop near Záhradky in Prešov.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Záhradky and Teriakovce?
Get off the bus at the Hollého stop, which is closest to Teriakovce in Teriakovce.