How to get from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany by bus?
From Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany by bus
Take one direct bus from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany in Kosice: take the 52 bus from Lackova station to Ludvíkov Dvor station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationKošice-Krásna
- 2Wait for bus52Nemocnica Šaca
- 3Ride to bus stationLudvíkov Dvor45 min
- 4Walk toSokoľany1.54 km • 20 min
Public transit directions from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany
Public transit stations close to Košice-Krásna
Košice-Krásna is located at Košice-Krásna, Kosice and the nearest public transit station is Pri Hornáde.
Bus stations close to Košice-Krásna:
- Pri Hornáde
- Lackova
- Žiacka
Public transit stations close to Sokoľany, Kosice
Sokoľany is located at Sokoľany, Kosice and the nearest public transit station is Valcovne U.S. Steel.
Bus stations close to Sokoľany:
- Vrátnica 4 U.S.Steel
- Ez Elektrosystémy
Related Routes
- Kokšov-Bakša to Sokoľany
- Košice-Barca to Sokoľany
- Košice-Dargovských Hrdinov to Sokoľany
- Košice-Džungľa to Sokoľany
- Košice-Juh to Sokoľany
- Košice-Kavečany to Sokoľany
- Košice-Košická Nová Ves to Sokoľany
- Košice-Sever to Sokoľany
- Košice-Staré Mesto to Sokoľany
- Košice-Sídlisko Kvp to Sokoľany
- Košice-Sídlisko Ťahanovce to Sokoľany
- Košice-Vyšné Opátske to Sokoľany
- Košice-Západ to Sokoľany
- Košice-Lorinčík to Sokoľany
- Košice-Luník IX to Sokoľany
- Košice-Myslava to Sokoľany
- Košice-Nad Jazerom to Sokoľany
- Košice-Pereš to Sokoľany
- Košice-Poľov to Sokoľany
- Košice-Šaca to Sokoľany
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany?
The fastest way takes 66 minutes, using Bus line 52.
Is there a direct bus between Košice-Krásna and Sokoľany in Kosice?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany in Kosice in 1 hr 6 min.
Which bus line goes from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany in Kosice?
The 52 bus line goes from Nemocnica Šaca station near Košice-Krásna to Ludvíkov Dvor station near Sokoľany in Kosice.
How long does it take to travel from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany in Kosice by bus?
The total travel time between Košice-Krásna and Sokoľany in Kosice by bus is about 1 hr 6 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Košice-Krásna to get to Sokoľany in Kosice?
Get on the 52 bus from the Nemocnica Šaca stop near Košice-Krásna in Kosice.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Košice-Krásna and Sokoľany in Kosice?
Get off the bus at the Ludvíkov Dvor stop, which is closest to Sokoľany in Kosice.
When is the first bus from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany in Kosice?
The first bus from Košice-Krásna to Sokoľany in Kosice is Krásna - Nemocnica Šaca. It leaves the Lackova stop at 9:05 AM.