How to get from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia by bus?
From Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia by bus
To get from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia in Banská Bystrica, take the 468 bus from Staré Hory - Kaplnka station to Námestie S. H. Vajanského station. Next, take the 26 bus from Štadlerovo Nábrežie station to Rázcestie Kynceľová station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationStaré Hory - Kaplnka
- 2Wait for bus468Banská Bystrica
- 3Ride to bus stationNámestie S. H. Vajanského21 min
- 4Walk to bus stationŠtadlerovo Nábrežie260 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus26Starohorská, Pod Bánošom
- 6Ride to bus stationRázcestie Kynceľová12 min
- 7Walk toSelce Banska Bystrica Slovakia2.92 km • 37 min
Alternative route from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia by bus via 468, 24 and 28
To get from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia in Banská Bystrica, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 468 bus from Staré Hory - Kaplnka station to Lazovná station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 24 bus and finally take the 28 bus from Starohorská, Otočka station to Rázcestie Kynceľová station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationStaré Hory - Kaplnka
- 2Wait for bus468Banská Bystrica
- 3Ride to bus stationLazovná17 min
- 4Walk to bus stationLazovná40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus24Starohorská, Otočka
- 6Ride to bus stationStarohorská, Otočka12 min
- 7Wait for bus28Železničná Stanica
- 8Ride to bus stationRázcestie Kynceľová3 min
- 9Walk toSelce Banska Bystrica Slovakia2.91 km • 37 min
Public transit directions from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
Public transit stations close to Staré Hory - Kaplnka
Staré Hory - Kaplnka is located at Staré Hory - Kaplnka, Banská Bystrica and the nearest public transit station is Staré Hory - Kaplnka.
Bus stations close to Staré Hory - Kaplnka:
- Staré Hory - Kaplnka
- Staré Hory - Žiak
- Staré Hory - Obecný Úrad
Public transit stations close to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia, Banská Bystrica
Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia is located at Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia, Banská Bystrica and the nearest public transit station is Selce - Štadión.
Train stations close to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia:
- Šalková
- Slovenská Ľupča-Príboj
Bus stations close to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia:
- Selce - Štadión
- Selce - Obecný Úrad
- Selce - Jednota
Cable Car stations close to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia:
- Partizánska Cesta
- 29. Augusta
- 29. Augusta, 22
Related Routes
- Partizánska Cesta to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra - Kaufland to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Námestie Slobody to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Železničná Stanica (A&B) to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Malachov - Kopanice to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Sad to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Rázcestie Kynceľová to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Kynceľová I. to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Cesta K Nemocnici to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Cementárenská - Rázcestie to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Cementárenská Cesta to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Skuteckého to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Partizánska - Rázcestie to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Badín - Zš to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Na Hrbe to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Podlavice - Pd to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Farma POD Pršanmi to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Slovenská Ľupča - Príboj, Zťs to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Slovenská Ľupča - Príboj, POD Skalou to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
- Ľubietová - Huta to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia
Alternative route from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia by bus via 468, 24 and 28
To get from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia in Banská Bystrica, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 468 bus from Staré Hory - Kaplnka station to Lazovná station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 24 bus and finally take the 28 bus from Starohorská, Otočka station to Rázcestie Kynceľová station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationStaré Hory - Kaplnka
- 2Wait for bus468Banská Bystrica
- 3Ride to bus stationLazovná17 min
- 4Walk to bus stationLazovná40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus24Starohorská, Otočka
- 6Ride to bus stationStarohorská, Otočka12 min
- 7Wait for bus28Železničná Stanica
- 8Ride to bus stationRázcestie Kynceľová3 min
- 9Walk toSelce Banska Bystrica Slovakia2.91 km • 37 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia?
The fastest way takes 78 minutes, using Bus line 468, Bus line 26.
What is the alternative route to get from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia?
The alternative route takes 93 minutes, using Bus line 468, Bus line 24, Bus line 28.
Is there a direct bus between Staré Hory - Kaplnka and Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia?
The 468 bus line goes from Banská Bystrica station near Staré Hory - Kaplnka in Banska Bystrica to Námestie S. H. Vajanského station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Námestie S. H. Vajanského station near Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia in Banská Bystrica.
How long does it take to travel from Staré Hory - Kaplnka to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia by bus?
The total travel time between Staré Hory - Kaplnka in Banska Bystrica and Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia in Banská Bystrica by bus is about 1 hr 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Staré Hory - Kaplnka to get to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia?
Get on the 468 bus from the Banská Bystrica stop near Staré Hory - Kaplnka in Banska Bystrica.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Staré Hory - Kaplnka and Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia?
Get off the bus at the Námestie S. H. Vajanského stop, which is closest to Selce Banska Bystrica Slovakia in Banská Bystrica.