How to get from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza by bus?
From Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza by bus
Take one direct bus from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza: take the 51 bus from Bojnice - Zš station to Farský Kostol station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBojnice - Zš
- 2Wait for bus51Sad
- 3Ride to bus stationFarský Kostol24 min
- 4Walk toPrievidza380 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza by bus via 50
Take one direct bus from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza: take the 50 bus from Bojnice - Zš station to Autobusová Stanica station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBojnice - Zš
- 2Wait for bus50Sad
- 3Ride to bus stationAutobusová Stanica13 min
- 4Walk toPrievidza770 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza
Public transit stations close to Bojnice - Zš
Bojnice - Zš is located at Bojnice - Zš, Prievidza and the nearest public transit station is Bojnice - Ovocná Škôlka.
Bus stations close to Bojnice - Zš:
- Bojnice - Ovocná Škôlka
- Bojnice - Zš
- Bojnice - Námestie
Public transit stations close to Prievidza, Prievidza
Prievidza is located at Prievidza, Prievidza and the nearest public transit station is Farský Kostol.
Bus stations close to Prievidza:
- Farský Kostol
- Včelárska
- Kopanice - Cintorín
Related Routes
- Autobusová Stanica to Prievidza
- Nestlé to Prievidza
- Kúty - Rd to Prievidza
- Necpaly - U Borku to Prievidza
- Na Záhumní to Prievidza
- Kopaničky to Prievidza
- Severka to Prievidza
- Kopanice - Energetikov to Prievidza
- Kopanice - Lesný Park to Prievidza
- Kopanice - V.Clementisa to Prievidza
- Kopanice - Podchody to Prievidza
- Kopanice - Cint. Horný Koniec to Prievidza
- Včelárska to Prievidza
- Malonecpalská to Prievidza
- Veľkonecpalská to Prievidza
- Necpaly - Sídlisko to Prievidza
- Zapotôčky - Ondrejova to Prievidza
- Uni-Klinika to Prievidza
- Zapotôčky - Rad Tolst. to Prievidza
- Zimný Štadión to Prievidza
Alternative route from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza by bus via 50
Take one direct bus from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza: take the 50 bus from Bojnice - Zš station to Autobusová Stanica station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBojnice - Zš
- 2Wait for bus50Sad
- 3Ride to bus stationAutobusová Stanica13 min
- 4Walk toPrievidza770 m • 10 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza?
The fastest way takes 30 minutes, using Bus line 51.
What is the alternative route to get from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza?
The alternative route takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 50.
Is there a direct bus between Bojnice - Zš and Prievidza in Prievidza?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza in 30 min.
Which bus line goes from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza?
The 51 bus line goes from Sad station near Bojnice - Zš to Farský Kostol station near Prievidza in Prievidza.
How long does it take to travel from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza by bus?
The total travel time between Bojnice - Zš and Prievidza in Prievidza by bus is about 30 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Bojnice - Zš to get to Prievidza in Prievidza?
Get on the 51 bus from the Sad stop near Bojnice - Zš in Prievidza.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Bojnice - Zš and Prievidza in Prievidza?
Get off the bus at the Farský Kostol stop, which is closest to Prievidza in Prievidza.
When is the first bus from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza?
The first bus from Bojnice - Zš to Prievidza in Prievidza is Autobusová stanica; SAD; Ciglianska cesta. It leaves the Bojnice - Zš stop at 9:02 AM.