How to get from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá by bus?
From Supra-Vily to Podsuchá by bus
Take one direct bus from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá in Ružomberok: take the 4 bus from Roveň Poľná station to Biely Potok,Podsuchá station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 27 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRoveň Poľná440 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus4Biely Potok,Podsuchá
- 3Ride to bus stationBiely Potok,Podsuchá18 min
- 4Walk toPodsucháVyšné Matejkovo120 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá
Public transit stations close to Supra-Vily
Supra-Vily is located at Supra-Vily, Ružomberok and the nearest public transit station is Roveň,Kaufland.
Train stations close to Supra-Vily:
- Ružomberok
- Ružomberok-Rybárpole
- Lisková
Bus stations close to Supra-Vily:
- Roveň,Kaufland
- Supra
- Supra,Stred
Public transit stations close to Podsuchá, Ružomberok
Podsuchá is located at Vyšné Matejkovo, Ružomberok and the nearest public transit station is Biely Potok,Podsuchá.
Bus stations close to Podsuchá:
- Biely Potok,Podsuchá
- Nižné Matejkové
Related Routes
- Evanjelický Kostol to Podsuchá
- Galéria Ľ.Fullu to Podsuchá
- Železničná Stanica to Podsuchá
- Kalvária,Detsky Domov to Podsuchá
- Kalvária,Pod Cintorínom to Podsuchá
- Námestie Andreja Hlinku,Kláštor to Podsuchá
- Sihoť Zš to Podsuchá
- Roveň Vojenská Nemocnica to Podsuchá
- Roveň Poľná to Podsuchá
- Roveň,Kaufland to Podsuchá
- Roveň,Tehelňa to Podsuchá
- POD Skalami to Podsuchá
- Sódovkáreň to Podsuchá
- Biely Potok,Raveň to Podsuchá
- Hrboltová,Železničná Stanica to Podsuchá
- Černová,Štadión to Podsuchá
- Černová,Otočka to Podsuchá
- Nová Černová,Rázcestie to Podsuchá
- Klačno,Otočka to Podsuchá
- Ružomberok to Podsuchá
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá?
The fastest way takes 27 minutes, using Bus line 4.
Is there a direct bus between Supra-Vily and Podsuchá in Ružomberok?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá in Ružomberok in 27 min.
Which bus line goes from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá in Ružomberok?
The 4 bus line goes from Roveň Poľná station near Supra-Vily to Biely Potok,Podsuchá station near Podsuchá in Ružomberok.
How long does it take to travel from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá in Ružomberok by bus?
The total travel time between Supra-Vily and Podsuchá in Ružomberok by bus is about 27 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Supra-Vily to get to Podsuchá in Ružomberok?
Get on the 4 bus from the Roveň Poľná stop near Supra-Vily in Ružomberok.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Supra-Vily and Podsuchá in Ružomberok?
Get off the bus at the Biely Potok,Podsuchá stop, which is closest to Podsuchá in Ružomberok.
When is the last bus from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá in Ružomberok?
The last bus from Supra-Vily to Podsuchá in Ružomberok is the Černová,otočka — Podsuchá line. It leaves the Roveň Poľná stop at 3:42 PM.