How to get from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk by light rail?
From Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk by light rail
Take one direct light rail from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii: take the 4 light rail from Zlaté Piesky station to Krížna station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to light rail stationZlaté Piesky50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for light rail4Karlova Ves
- 3Ride to light rail stationKrížnaID 70616 min
- 4Walk toPedagogická Fakulta UkŠoltésovej410 m • 6 min
From Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk by Trolleybus and bus
To get from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii, take the 65 bus from Zlaté Piesky station to Bulharská (X) station. Next, take the 60 Trolleybus from Bulharská (X) station to Kvačalova (X) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationZlaté Piesky
- 2Wait for bus65Dolné Hony, Čiližská
- 3Ride to bus stationBulharská (X)8 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus60Nemocnica Sv. Michala
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationKvačalova (X)12 min
- 6Walk toPedagogická Fakulta UkŠoltésovej660 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
Public transit stations close to Zlaté Piesky
Zlaté Piesky is located at Zlaté Piesky, Bratislava Ii and the nearest public transit station is Zlaté Piesky.
Bus stations close to Zlaté Piesky:
- Zlaté Piesky
- Spádovisko II (X)
- Shopping Palace
Public transit stations close to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk, Bratislava Ii
Pedagogická Fakulta Uk is located at Šoltésovej, Bratislava Ii and the nearest public transit station is Povraznícka (X).
Bus stations close to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk:
- Povraznícka (X)
- Autobusová Stanica
- Mlynské Nivy
Trolleybus stations close to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk:
- Karadžičova (X)
- Americké Nám. (X)
Related Routes
- Jungmannova to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Sad J. Kráľa, Divadlo Aréna to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Šafárikovo Nám., Uk to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Farského to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Úrad Vlády Sr to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- POD Stanicou to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Hlavná Stanica to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Centrum to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Pri Kríži to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Od Saratov to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Drobného to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Alexyho to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Švantnerova to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Damborského to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Horné Krčace to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Dolné Krčace to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Vozovňa Jurajov Dvor to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Ba, Autobusová Stanica to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Ba, Bajkalská to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
- Rajka to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk
From Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk by Trolleybus and bus
To get from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii, take the 65 bus from Zlaté Piesky station to Bulharská (X) station. Next, take the 60 Trolleybus from Bulharská (X) station to Kvačalova (X) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationZlaté Piesky
- 2Wait for bus65Dolné Hony, Čiližská
- 3Ride to bus stationBulharská (X)8 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus60Nemocnica Sv. Michala
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationKvačalova (X)12 min
- 6Walk toPedagogická Fakulta UkŠoltésovej660 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk?
The fastest way takes 23 minutes, using Bus line 4.
What is the alternative route to get from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk?
The alternative route takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 65, Bus line 60.
Is there a direct light rail between Zlaté Piesky and Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii?
Yes, there is a direct light rail going from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii in 23 min.
Which light rail line goes from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii?
The 4 light rail line goes from Zlaté Piesky station near Zlaté Piesky to Karlova Ves station near Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii.
How long does it take to travel from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii by light rail?
The total travel time between Zlaté Piesky and Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii by light rail is about 23 min.
Where do I get on the light rail near Zlaté Piesky to get to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii?
Get on the 4 light rail from the Zlaté Piesky station near Zlaté Piesky in Bratislava Ii.
Where do I get off the light rail when travelling between Zlaté Piesky and Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii?
Get off the light rail at the Karlova Ves station, which is closest to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii.
When is the first bus from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii?
The first bus from Zlaté Piesky to Pedagogická Fakulta Uk in Bratislava Ii is Trnavské mýto ◄► Vajnory. It leaves the Zlaté Piesky stop at 9:29 AM.