How to get from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná by train?
From Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná by train
To get from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná in Poprad, take the PPT-TTL train from Poprad-Spišská Sobota station to Poprad-Tatry station. Next, take the PPT-ŠPL train from Poprad-Tatry station to Nová Lesná station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationPoprad-Spišská Sobota920 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for trainPPT-TTL8308 Poprad-Tatry
- 3Ride to train stationPoprad-Tatry2 min
- 4Walk to train stationPoprad-Tatry90 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainPPT-ŠPL8112 Štrbské Pleso
- 6Ride to train stationNová Lesná12 min
- 7Walk toNová Lesná1.04 km • 14 min
From Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná by bus and train
To get from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná in Poprad, take the B1 bus from Levočská Ul. station to Autobusová Stanica station. Next, take the PPT-ŠPL train from Poprad-Tatry station to Nová Lesná station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationLevočská Ul.990 m • 13 min
- 2Wait for busB1Poprad As
- 3Ride to bus stationAutobusová Stanica24 min
- 4Walk to train stationPoprad-Tatry390 m • 6 min
- 5Wait for trainPPT-ŠPL8112 Štrbské Pleso
- 6Ride to train stationNová Lesná12 min
- 7Walk toNová Lesná1.04 km • 14 min
Public transit directions from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná
Public transit stations close to Stráže Osc
Stráže Osc is located at Stráže Osc, Poprad and the nearest public transit station is Stráže Námestie.
Train stations close to Stráže Osc:
- Poprad-Tatry
- Poprad-Spišská Sobota
- Matejovce Pri Poprade
Bus stations close to Stráže Osc:
- Stráže Námestie
- Štefánikova Zimný Štadión
- Levočská Ul.
Public transit stations close to Nová Lesná, Poprad
Nová Lesná is located at Nová Lesná, Poprad and the nearest public transit station is Tatranská Lesná.
Train stations close to Nová Lesná:
- Tatranská Lesná
- Dolný Smokovec
- POD Lesom
Bus stations close to Nová Lesná:
- Nová Lesná, Cintorín
Related Routes
- Poprad-Tatry to Nová Lesná
- Veľký Slavkov to Nová Lesná
- POD Lesom to Nová Lesná
- Starý Smokovec to Nová Lesná
- Nový Smokovec to Nová Lesná
- Sibír to Nová Lesná
- Tatranské Zruby to Nová Lesná
- Tatranská Polianka to Nová Lesná
- Danielov Dom to Nová Lesná
- Nová Polianka to Nová Lesná
- Vyšné Hágy to Nová Lesná
- Popradské Pleso to Nová Lesná
- Štrbské Pleso to Nová Lesná
- Pekná Vyhliadka to Nová Lesná
- Horný Smokovec to Nová Lesná
- Tatranská Lesná to Nová Lesná
- Stará Lesná to Nová Lesná
- Tatranská Lomnica to Nová Lesná
- Štrba to Nová Lesná
- Tatranský Lieskovec to Nová Lesná
From Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná by bus and train
To get from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná in Poprad, take the B1 bus from Levočská Ul. station to Autobusová Stanica station. Next, take the PPT-ŠPL train from Poprad-Tatry station to Nová Lesná station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationLevočská Ul.990 m • 13 min
- 2Wait for busB1Poprad As
- 3Ride to bus stationAutobusová Stanica24 min
- 4Walk to train stationPoprad-Tatry390 m • 6 min
- 5Wait for trainPPT-ŠPL8112 Štrbské Pleso
- 6Ride to train stationNová Lesná12 min
- 7Walk toNová Lesná1.04 km • 14 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná?
The fastest way takes 53 minutes, using Bus line PPT-TTL, Bus line PPT-ŠPL.
What is the alternative route to get from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná?
The alternative route takes 110 minutes, using Bus line B1, Bus line PPT-ŠPL.
Is there a direct train between Stráže Osc and Nová Lesná in Poprad?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 53 min.
Which train line goes from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná in Poprad?
The PPT-TTL train line goes from Poprad-Spišská Sobota station near Stráže Osc to 8308 Poprad-Tatry station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till 8308 Poprad-Tatry station near Nová Lesná in Poprad
How long does it take to travel from Stráže Osc to Nová Lesná in Poprad by train?
The total travel time between Stráže Osc and Nová Lesná in Poprad by train is about 53 min.
Where do I get on the train near Stráže Osc to get to Nová Lesná in Poprad?
Get on the PPT-TTL train from the Poprad-Spišská Sobota station near Stráže Osc in Poprad.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Stráže Osc and Nová Lesná in Poprad?
Get off the train at the 8308 Poprad-Tatry station, which is closest to Nová Lesná in Poprad.