How to get from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka by bus?
From Hradec to Malá Lehôtka by bus
Take one direct bus from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza: take the 8 bus from Hradec station to Malá Lehôtka - Kult. Dom station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationHradec
- 2Wait for bus8Autobusová Stanica - Malá Lehôtka - Veľká Lehôtka - Uni-Klinika
- 3Ride to bus stationMalá Lehôtka - Kult. Dom3 min
- 4Walk toMalá Lehôtka10 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka
Public transit stations close to Malá Lehôtka, Prievidza
Malá Lehôtka is located at Malá Lehôtka, Prievidza and the nearest public transit station is Malá Lehôtka - Dolný Koniec.
Bus stations close to Malá Lehôtka:
- Malá Lehôtka - Dolný Koniec
- Malá Lehôtka - Kult. Dom
Related Routes
- Dubnica to Malá Lehôtka
- Bojnice to Malá Lehôtka
- Prievidza to Malá Lehôtka
- Veľká Lehôtka to Malá Lehôtka
- Hradec to Dubnica
- Hradec to Bojnice
- Hradec to Prievidza
- Hradec to Sebedražie
- Hradec to Veľká Lehôtka
- Bojnice to Dubnica
- Bojnice to Hradec
- Bojnice to Malá Lehôtka
- Bojnice to Prievidza
- Bojnice to Sebedražie
- Bojnice to Veľká Lehôtka
- Malá Lehôtka to Dubnica
- Malá Lehôtka to Hradec
- Malá Lehôtka to Bojnice
- Malá Lehôtka to Prievidza
- Malá Lehôtka to Sebedražie
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka?
The fastest way takes 4 minutes, using Bus line 8.
Is there a direct bus between Hradec and Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza in 4 min.
Which bus line goes from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza?
The 8 bus line goes from Autobusová Stanica - Malá Lehôtka - Veľká Lehôtka - Uni-Klinika station near Hradec to Malá Lehôtka - Kult. Dom station near Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza.
How long does it take to travel from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza by bus?
The total travel time between Hradec and Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza by bus is about 4 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Hradec to get to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza?
Get on the 8 bus from the Autobusová Stanica - Malá Lehôtka - Veľká Lehôtka - Uni-Klinika stop near Hradec in Prievidza.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Hradec and Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza?
Get off the bus at the Malá Lehôtka - Kult. Dom stop, which is closest to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza.
When is the first bus from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza?
The first bus from Hradec to Malá Lehôtka in Prievidza is UNI-klinika - S. Chalupku - Autobusová stanica - Malá Lehôtka - Veľká Lehôtka. It leaves the Hradec stop at 9:03 AM.