How to get from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie by Trolleybus and bus?
From Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie by Trolleybus and bus
To get from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii, take the 83 bus from Zochova station to Sokolská station. Next, take the 42 Trolleybus from Sokolská station to Magurská station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationZochovaID 1111140 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus83Dúbravka, Pri Kríži
- 3Ride to bus stationSokolská6 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus42Žst Železná Studienka
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationMagurská3 min
- 6Walk toKlinika detskej neurologie230 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie by Trolleybus and bus via 93 and 42
To get from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii, take the 93 bus from Zochova station to POD Stanicou station. Next, take the 42 Trolleybus from POD Stanicou station to Magurská station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationZochovaID 1111140 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus93Hlavná Stanica
- 3Ride to bus stationPOD Stanicou4 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus42Žst Železná Studienka
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationMagurská6 min
- 6Walk toKlinika detskej neurologie230 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie
Public transit stations close to Zochova
Zochova is located at Zochova, Bratislava Iii and the nearest public transit station is Kapucínska.
Bus stations close to Zochova:
- Kollárovo Nám.
- Most Snp
- Hodžovo Nám.
Trolleybus stations close to Zochova:
- Partizánska (X)
- Kozia (X)
Public transit stations close to Klinika detskej neurologie, Bratislava Iii
Klinika detskej neurologie is located at Klinika detskej neurologie, Bratislava Iii and the nearest public transit station is Magurská.
Bus stations close to Klinika detskej neurologie:
- Prokopa Velkého (X)
- Bárdošova
- Rozvodná (X)
Trolleybus stations close to Klinika detskej neurologie:
- Magurská
- Nemocnica Kramáre
- Vlárska (X)
Related Routes
- Zochova to VeterináRna Klinika Bullypet - MVDr. VladimíR PagáČ
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- Zochova to Štadión Fk Rapid Ružinov
- Zochova to Letisko M. R. Štefánika Bratislava
- Zochova to M.R.Stefanik Airport Bratislava (BTS)
- Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie
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Alternative route from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie by Trolleybus and bus via 93 and 42
To get from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii, take the 93 bus from Zochova station to POD Stanicou station. Next, take the 42 Trolleybus from POD Stanicou station to Magurská station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationZochovaID 1111140 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus93Hlavná Stanica
- 3Ride to bus stationPOD Stanicou4 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus42Žst Železná Studienka
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationMagurská6 min
- 6Walk toKlinika detskej neurologie230 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie?
The fastest way takes 17 minutes, using Bus line 83, Bus line 42.
What is the alternative route to get from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie?
The alternative route takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 93, Bus line 42.
Is there a direct bus between Zochova and Klinika detskej neurologie?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one Trolleybus line in total. The total travelling time is 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie?
The 83 bus line goes from Zochova station near Zochova in Bratislava I to Dúbravka, Pri Kríži station. From there you’ll have to take one Trolleybus line till Dúbravka, Pri Kríži station near Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii.
How long does it take to travel from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie by bus and Trolleybus?
The total travel time between Zochova in Bratislava I and Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii by bus and Trolleybus is about 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Zochova to get to Klinika detskej neurologie?
Get on the 83 bus from the Zochova stop near Zochova in Bratislava I.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Zochova and Klinika detskej neurologie?
Get off the bus at the Dúbravka, Pri Kríži station, which is closest to Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii.
When is the first Trolleybus from Zochova to Klinika detskej neurologie?
The first Trolleybus from Zochova in Bratislava I to Klinika detskej neurologie in Bratislava Iii is Hodžovo nám. ◄► Valašská. It leaves the Partizánska (X) station at 1:27 AM.