How to get from Poprad to Kežmarok by train?
From Poprad to Kežmarok by train
To get from Poprad to Kežmarok in Poprad, take the PPT-TTL train from Poprad-Tatry station to Studený Potok station. Next, take the PPT-TTL train from Studený Potok station to Tatranská Lomnica Zastavka station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationPoprad-Tatry300 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for trainPPT-TTL8311 Studený Potok
- 3Ride to train stationStudený Potok12 min
- 4Wait for trainPPT-TTL8411 Tatranská Lomnica
- 5Ride to train stationTatranská Lomnica Zastavka7 min
Public transit directions from Poprad to Kežmarok
Public transit stations close to Poprad
Poprad is located at Poprad, Poprad and the nearest public transit station is Dom Kultúry.
Train stations close to Poprad:
- Poprad-Tatry
- Poprad-Spišská Sobota
- Matejovce Pri Poprade
Bus stations close to Poprad:
- Dom Kultúry
- Hviezdoslavova Adus
- Obchodný Dom
Public transit stations close to Kežmarok, Poprad
Kežmarok is located at Kežmarok, Poprad and the nearest public transit station is Tatranská Lomnica.
Train stations close to Kežmarok:
- Tatranská Lomnica
- Stará Lesná
- Tatranská Lomnica Zastavka
Related Routes
- Poprad-Tatry to Vysoké Tatry
- Poprad-Tatry to Astronomický Ústav Sav
- Poprad-Tatry to Poprad, Slovakia
- Poprad-Tatry to Štrbské pleso
- Poprad-Tatry to Nová Lesná
- Poprad-Tatry to Štôla
- Veľký Slavkov to Vysoké Tatry
- Veľký Slavkov to Astronomický Ústav Sav
- Veľký Slavkov to Katolícka Univerzita
- Veľký Slavkov to Poprad, Slovakia
- Veľký Slavkov to Štrbské pleso
- Veľký Slavkov to Nová Lesná
- Veľký Slavkov to Štôla
- Nová Lesná to Vysoké Tatry
- Nová Lesná to Astronomický Ústav Sav
- Nová Lesná to Katolícka Univerzita
- Nová Lesná to Poprad, Slovakia
- Nová Lesná to Štrbské pleso
- Nová Lesná to Štôla
- POD Lesom to Vysoké Tatry
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Poprad to Kežmarok?
The fastest way takes 30 minutes, using Bus line PPT-TTL, Bus line PPT-TTL.
Is there a direct train between Poprad and Kežmarok in Poprad?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 30 min.
Which train line goes from Poprad to Kežmarok in Poprad?
The PPT-TTL train line goes from Poprad-Tatry station near Poprad to 8311 Studený Potok station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till 8311 Studený Potok station near Kežmarok in Poprad
How long does it take to travel from Poprad to Kežmarok in Poprad by train?
The total travel time between Poprad and Kežmarok in Poprad by train is about 30 min.
Where do I get on the train near Poprad to get to Kežmarok in Poprad?
Get on the PPT-TTL train from the Poprad-Tatry station near Poprad in Poprad.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Poprad and Kežmarok in Poprad?
Get off the train at the 8311 Studený Potok station, which is closest to Kežmarok in Poprad.
When is the first bus from Poprad to Kežmarok in Poprad?
The first bus from Poprad to Kežmarok in Poprad is Poprad — Starý Smokovec — Tatranská Lomnica — Tatranská Javorina, Lysá Poľana. It leaves the Autobusová Stanica stop at 10:10 AM.