How to get from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove by bus?
From Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove by bus
Take one direct bus from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov: take the 38 bus from Obrancov Mieru station to Duchnovičovo Námestie station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationObrancov Mieru
- 2Wait for bus38Sibírska
- 3Ride to bus stationDuchnovičovo Námestie2 min
- 4Walk toISM - International School of Management v PrešoveDuchnovičovo námestie 160 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove
Public transit stations close to Obrancov Mieru
Obrancov Mieru is located at Obrancov Mieru, Prešov and the nearest public transit station is Odborárska.
Bus stations close to Obrancov Mieru:
- Odborárska
- Levočská
- Námestie Mládeže
Public transit stations close to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove, Prešov
ISM - International School of Management v Prešove is located at Duchnovičovo námestie 1, Prešov and the nearest public transit station is Vysokoškolský Areál.
Bus stations close to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove:
- Vysokoškolský Areál
- Ostrovček
- Obrancov Mieru
Related Routes
- Sídlisko III to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove
- Vysokoškolský Areál to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove
- Išľa to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove
- Herlianska, 29-31 to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove
- Obrancov Mieru to Pedagogická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity
- Obrancov Mieru to Aula E203 Auditorium Magnum
- Obrancov Mieru to Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
- Obrancov Mieru to Rektorát Prešovskej Univerzity
- Obrancov Mieru to Gréckokatolícky Kňazský Seminár Bl. Petra Pavla Gojdiča
- Obrancov Mieru to Fakulta Zdravotníckych Odborov Prešovskej Univerzity
- Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove
- Októbrová to Pedagogická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity
- Októbrová to Aula E203 Auditorium Magnum
- Októbrová to Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
- Októbrová to Rektorát Prešovskej Univerzity
- Októbrová to Gréckokatolícky Kňazský Seminár Bl. Petra Pavla Gojdiča
- Októbrová to Fakulta Zdravotníckych Odborov Prešovskej Univerzity
- Odborárska to Pedagogická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity
- Odborárska to Aula E203 Auditorium Magnum
- Odborárska to Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove?
The fastest way takes 4 minutes, using Bus line 38.
Is there a direct bus between Obrancov Mieru and ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov in 4 min.
Which bus line goes from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov?
The 38 bus line goes from Sibírska station near Obrancov Mieru to Duchnovičovo Námestie station near ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov.
How long does it take to travel from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov by bus?
The total travel time between Obrancov Mieru and ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov by bus is about 4 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Obrancov Mieru to get to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov?
Get on the 38 bus from the Sibírska stop near Obrancov Mieru in Prešov.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Obrancov Mieru and ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov?
Get off the bus at the Duchnovičovo Námestie stop, which is closest to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov.
When is the last bus from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov?
The last bus from Obrancov Mieru to ISM - International School of Management v Prešove in Prešov is the Obrancov mieru - Bajkalská line. It leaves the Obrancov Mieru stop at 8:50 AM.