How to get from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek by train?
From Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek by train
Take one direct train from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek in Banská Bystrica: take the BREZNO - ZVOLEN train from Šalková station to Hronsek station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationŠalková1.97 km • 25 min
- 2Wait for trainBREZNO - ZVOLENOs 7202
- 3Ride to train stationHronsek23 min
- 4Walk toHronsekHronsecká cesta380 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek
Public transit stations close to Partizánska - Rázcestie
Partizánska - Rázcestie is located at Partizánska - Rázcestie, Banská Bystrica and the nearest public transit station is Cementárenská - Rázcestie.
Train stations close to Partizánska - Rázcestie:
- Banská Bystrica
- Šalková
Bus stations close to Partizánska - Rázcestie:
- Cementárenská - Rázcestie
- Cementárenská Cesta
- Sad
Cable Car stations close to Partizánska - Rázcestie:
- Železničná Stanica (A&B)
- Železničná Stanica (V)
- 29. Augusta
Public transit stations close to Hronsek, Banská Bystrica
Hronsek is located at Hronsecká cesta, Banská Bystrica and the nearest public transit station is Hronsek - Žel. Stanica.
Train stations close to Hronsek:
- Sliač Kúpele
- Veľká Lúka
- Vlkanová
Bus stations close to Hronsek:
- Hronsek - Žel. Stanica
- Hronsek - Bytovky
- Hronsek - Pohostinstvo
Related Routes
- Strieborné Námestie to Hronsek
- Národná to Hronsek
- Tajovského - Umb to Hronsek
- Tajovského - Školy to Hronsek
- Štadlerovo Nábrežie to Hronsek
- Tajovského - POD Nemocnicou to Hronsek
- Podlavická Cesta to Hronsek
- Povstalecká Cesta to Hronsek
- Gaštanová to Hronsek
- Tajovského, Park to Hronsek
- Európa Sc to Hronsek
- Štefánikovo Nábrežie to Hronsek
- Námestie Slobody to Hronsek
- Partizánska Cesta to Hronsek
- 29. Augusta, 22 to Hronsek
- Železničná Stanica (V) to Hronsek
- Železničná Stanica (C) to Hronsek
- 29. Augusta to Hronsek
- Námestie S.H. Vajanského to Hronsek
- Rooseveltova Nemocnica to Hronsek
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek?
The fastest way takes 54 minutes, using Bus line BREZNO - ZVOLEN.
Is there a direct train between Partizánska - Rázcestie and Hronsek?
Yes, there’s a direct train going from Partizánska - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica to Hronsek in Banská Bystrica in 54 min.
Which train line goes from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek?
The BREZNO - ZVOLEN train line goes from Šalková station near Partizánska - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica to Os 7202 station near Hronsek in Banská Bystrica.
How long does it take to travel from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek by train?
The total travel time between Partizánska - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica and Hronsek in Banská Bystrica by train is about 54 min.
Where do I get on the train near Partizánska - Rázcestie to get to Hronsek?
Get on the BREZNO - ZVOLEN train from the Šalková station near Partizánska - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Partizánska - Rázcestie and Hronsek?
Get off the train at the Os 7202 station, which is closest to Hronsek in Banská Bystrica.
When is the first train from Partizánska - Rázcestie to Hronsek?
The first train from Partizánska - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica to Hronsek in Banská Bystrica is Brezno - Zvolen. It leaves the Šalková station at 6:57 AM.