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How to get from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF by bus?

From Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF by bus

Take one direct bus from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra: take the 27 bus from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady station to Centrum, Mlyny station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.

Walk to bus station
Bus - 2727
Walk to Hlavná budova UKF
Leaves from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady
    10 m • 1 min
  • 2
    Bus - 2727
    Wait for bus
    Železničná Stanica Nitra
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Centrum, Mlyny
    20 min
  • 4
    Walk to Hlavná budova UKF
    Walk to
    Hlavná budova UKF
    Tr. A. Hlinku
    710 m • 10 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF

The distance between Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady, Nitra and Hlavná budova UKF, Nitra is approximately 7.05 km, which can typically be travelled in 31 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF by bus, so no matter how you choose to travel in Nitra – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady

Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady is located at Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady, Nitra and the nearest public transit station is Štitáre Šöpröš.

Bus stations close to Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady:

  • Štitáre Šöpröš
  • Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Šopronská

Public transit stations close to Hlavná budova UKF, Nitra

Hlavná budova UKF is located at Tr. A. Hlinku, Nitra and the nearest public transit station is Centrum, Mlyny.

Bus stations close to Hlavná budova UKF:

  • Centrum, Mlyny
  • Andreja Hlinku Centro
  • Palárikova

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF?

    The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 27.

  • Is there a direct bus between Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady and Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra?

    Yes, there is a direct bus going from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra in 31 min.

  • Which bus line goes from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra?

    The 27 bus line goes from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady station near Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Železničná Stanica Nitra station near Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra.

  • How long does it take to travel from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra by bus?

    The total travel time between Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady and Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra by bus is about 31 min.

  • Where do I get on the bus near Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to get to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra?

    Get on the 27 bus from the Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady stop near Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady in Nitra.

  • Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady and Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra?

    Get off the bus at the Železničná Stanica Nitra stop, which is closest to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra.

  • When is the first bus from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra?

    The first bus from Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady to Hlavná budova UKF in Nitra is Železničná stanica Nitra - Štitáre. It leaves the Nitr. Hrnčiarovce Vinohrady stop at 9:04 AM.