How to get from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno by bus?
From Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno by bus
Take one direct bus from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno in Brezno: take the 470 bus from Lučatín - Rázcestie station to Brezno - Tesco station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLučatín - Rázcestie
- 2Wait for bus470Brezno
- 3Ride to bus stationBrezno - Tesco33 min
- 4Walk toBrezno810 m • 11 min
Public transit directions from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno
Public transit stations close to Lučatín - Rázcestie
Lučatín - Rázcestie is located at Lučatín - Rázcestie, Brezno and the nearest public transit station is Lučatín - Rázcestie.
Train stations close to Lučatín - Rázcestie:
- Brusno Kúpele
- Lučatín
- Medzibrod
Bus stations close to Lučatín - Rázcestie:
- Lučatín - Rázcestie
- Lučatín - Ssc
- Lučatín - Horný Koniec
Public transit stations close to Brezno, Brezno
Brezno is located at Brezno, Brezno and the nearest public transit station is Brezno.
Train stations close to Brezno:
- Brezno
- Valaská
Bus stations close to Brezno:
- Brezno - Rázc. K Nemocnici
- Brezno - Železničná Stanica
- Brezno - Tesco
Related Routes
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- 29. Augusta to Brezno
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- Autobusová Stanica to Brezno
- Rudohorská, Stred to Brezno
- Cesta K Nemocnici to Brezno
- Kremnička to Brezno
- Krematórium to Brezno
- Twd to Brezno
- Sásovská Cesta to Brezno
- Stará Sásová to Brezno
- Thk to Brezno
- Senica - Otočka to Brezno
- Šalková I to Brezno
- Kostiviarska - Jelšová to Brezno
- Harmanec - Papierne to Brezno
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno?
The fastest way takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 470.
Is there a direct bus between Lučatín - Rázcestie and Brezno?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Lučatín - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica to Brezno in Brezno in 45 min.
Which bus line goes from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno?
The 470 bus line goes from Brezno station near Lučatín - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica to Brezno - Tesco station near Brezno in Brezno.
How long does it take to travel from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno by bus?
The total travel time between Lučatín - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica and Brezno in Brezno by bus is about 45 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Lučatín - Rázcestie to get to Brezno?
Get on the 470 bus from the Brezno stop near Lučatín - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Lučatín - Rázcestie and Brezno?
Get off the bus at the Brezno - Tesco stop, which is closest to Brezno in Brezno.
When is the first bus from Lučatín - Rázcestie to Brezno?
The first bus from Lučatín - Rázcestie in Banska Bystrica to Brezno in Brezno is 601470 Banská Bystrica - Brezno. It leaves the Lučatín - Rázcestie stop at 7:47 PM.